Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
A Table exhibition

Temporary exhibitions

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2023 7 Oct. 20 Oct. Temporary exhibitions Besançon Photography Festival The museum opens its doors to the Grain d'Pixel association for its 7th edition of the Festival Photographie Besançon! Come and discover the works of these 5 artists: Marie Muller, Bruno Bourle, Antoine Boureau, Guillaume Mouillet and Hidencj.wild 2023 23 June 17 Sep. Temporary exhibitions À la fortune du pot Contemporary ceramics - Five contemporary artists invite visitors to their table: in the form of a shared meal, the exhibition highlights the close links between the art of the table, food, digestive physiology, festive meal rituals and ceramics. [...] 2023 23 May 5 Nov. Temporary exhibitions Discovering the natural environments of Greater Besançon Through the great diversity of its natural environments, the Greater Besançon area is home to an incredible heritage of flora and fauna. Dry grasslands, meadows, slope forests, wetlands... to pay homage to these environments that make up the region's rich [...]. 2023 1 Apr. 5 Nov. Temporary exhibitions Zita, Des Glaneuses Sculpture Visual artist Léa Dordhain's interpretation of Jean-François Millet's famous painting Des glaneuses (1857) is set on the museum's ridgeline. She expands on the original purpose of this work, which is linked to the history of [...]. 2023 1 Apr. 5 Nov. Temporary exhibitions Once upon a hunger Based on her personal story, Jessica Jeanparis takes an artistic and sensitive look at food in the 21st century. An exhibition to support an emerging talent in regional photography, organized in partnership with the Grain d'pixel association. 2023 1 Apr. 5 Nov. Temporary exhibitions Let's eat! What do we put on our plates? The Musée des Maisons Comtoises has chosen to take a closer look at what we put on our plates. Seemingly trivial, "eating" today is a matter of choices, compromises, prescriptions, injunctions, [...]. 2022 1 Oct. 30 Oct. Temporary exhibitions Besançon Photography Festival The museum opens its doors to the Grain d'Pixel association for its 6th edition of the Besançon Photography Festival! Come and discover the works of these 6 artists: Chloé DULOQUIN, Ingrid BAILLEUL, Mathieu WEIMER, ALEDD, Sabrina DOLIDZE et [...] 2022 10 June 6 Nov. Temporary exhibitions Once upon a hunger Based on her personal story, Jessica Jeanparis takes an artistic and sensitive look at food in the 21st century. An exhibition to support an emerging talent in regional photography, organized in partnership with the Grain d'pixel association. 2022 14 May 18 Sep. Temporary exhibitions Hors d'œuvres FRAC Franche-Comté Among contemporary artists, food is a recipe for success! Illustrations through the works of Rodolphe Huguet, Jean-Marc Chapoulie and Claude Closky. The Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain de Franche-Comté offers an artistic counterpoint to the scientific exhibition developed by the Musée des [...].