Opening hours : Closed

Trail games

Our different treasure hunts!

With family or friends

They enable children to get to grips with the site. They contain simple questions about housing, daily life, agricultural activities and gardens, plus answers. Paper versions of these games are available from the Museum reception desk.
From age 4 (free).

Wolf, are you there?

Wolf, are you there?

Help the 3 little pigs build their house!
From age 6.
Download the file

The hunt for footprints

The hunt for footprints

Can you recognize who's been there?
From CP to CM2
Download the file

The museum for tots

By observing shapes, colors and object graphics, toddlers discover the world of times gone by.
Download the folder

Gourmet treasure hunt

Gourmet treasure hunt

Find the ingredients and utensils you need to make the recipe.
From CP to 5e.
Download the file

Little man

Little Man

On the trail of bread
Kindergarten to CM2
Download the file

Drawing of Arces-de-Morteau farm

Discovering the museum 

CP to CM2
Download the file/ download the corrected file

Follow the guide

From now on, the geographical tour of Nancray's maisons comtoises museum will double as a chronological tour: the objects and furniture inside each house represent a specific era (1780, 1810, 1840, 1885, 1925 and 1950). To illustrate this chronological tour, the museum offers three "Follow the guide" guides for children from CM1 to collège.

follow the heating guide

Episode 1: Daily life

Download the file

follow the daily guide

Episode 3: Lighting

Download the file

follow the lighting guide

Episode 2: Heating

Download the file