Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Our sponsors

Participatory funding - Restoring the roof of the Arces-de-Morteau farmhouse

The house collections are the Museum's raison d'être, and are cared for daily by the Museum's conservation team. Some of the Museum's houses were brought to the site over thirty years ago, and are now in need of restoration. In 2021, the emblematic tuyé farmhouse from the Val de Morteau will be the focus of attention. The western section of its tavaillon roof (small spruce tiles), badly damaged by successive droughts, heavy rain and hailstorms, is to be completely rebuilt. To this end, the Museum called on the services of Romain Poulet, one of the region's traditional carpenters, one of the few still making the famous tavaillons.
