Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.


23 May
5 Nov.

Discovering the natural environments of Greater Besançon

Through the great diversity of its natural environments, the territory of Greater Besançon is home to an incredible heritage of flora and fauna. Dry grasslands, meadows, slope forests, wetlands... in order to pay tribute to the natural wealth of our territory, the Conservatoire botanique national de Franche-Comté - Observatoire régional des Invertébrés (CBNFC-ORI) has worked in collaboration with Grand Besançon Métropole and the Musée des Maisons comtoises de Nancray to create a unique exhibition and educational materials.

The exhibition will be permanently installed in the open-air park of the Musée des Maisons Comtoises in Nancray. Grand Besançon will also offer a travelling version of the exhibition to all the towns in the metropolitan area, and will make it available to town halls wishing to present the exhibition to their residents.

Set up in the museum's corresponding natural environments, the exhibition uses 6 large panels to present the different natural environments of Greater Besançon, illustrating them with large watercolors by artist Jean Chevallier. Accompanied by a small game booklet, the exhibition encourages visitors to investigate and linger over these large watercolours to find and learn more about the different species that have hidden there. Finally, wooden terminals next to each of the panels invite visitors to "handle/touch/observe" to learn an anecdote, a tip for better understanding and recognizing the nature that surrounds us.

New in its form, this exhibition is aimed at all audiences and solicits the different senses of the visitor to offer several angles of discovery and levels of reading.

Set in the heart of the Museum Park, this installation will be highly visible to local visitors and tourists alike, and will pay tribute to the landscapes and natural diversity of our region. We also hope that its travelling version will appeal to the mayors and inhabitants of the numerous communes of the Grand Besançon! 
