Website of the Musée des Maisons Comtoises de Nancray
Musée des maisons comtoises - Rue du musée - 25360 Nancray
Publication manager: Virginie DUEDE, Museum Director
Company name
Musée des maisons comtoises: mixed cultural association
SIRET number
252 508 015 00010
VAT number
FR 35 252508015
Editorial animation, site management and updates
Christelle HUMBERT & Savannah DEMARQUE
+33 (0)381 55 20 17
Graphics and technical production
Ikuzo Agency -
The Site is hosted by INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA, whose registered office is at Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Les Acacias, Switzerland.
Telephone number: +41 (0)22 820 35 55.
Photo credits
Musée des maisons comtoises
AMB Photo library
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