Opening hours : Closed


11 Sep.

Plant feast

4th edition

On the menu for this4th edition at the Musée des Maisons Comtoises: gourmet strolls in the museum's park and gardens, tips, tricks and recipes for vegetophiles, readings to savour... and a Fantastic Picnic with music!

On the initiative of Bourgogne Franche-Comté Tourisme, some sixty " Fantastic Picnic " events will be held throughout the region on September 10 & 11, to share convivial moments and rediscover our regional treasures.

The program

Country-style meal prepared by chefs Jean-François Maire (Michelin-starred) and Hervé Renaude (chef of the museum's "Au fil du temps" restaurant). Reservations required by September 8 (07 88 73 04 02 or 03 81 84 64 10). From midday, outside (in the dining room in case of rain)
- Adult menu €16.90 : Fillet of Bonnevaux trout a la plancha, flower emulsion, matignon of garden vegetables - Roasted vine peaches, Aïssey vanilla ice cream
- Children's menu 11 € : Pain surprise - glace de la ferme d'Aïssey
Reservations recommended before September 8, 03 81 84 64 10 or 06 76 85 70 53. From midday, outside (in the dining room in case of rain).

Cooking workshops and gourmet events

  • Chef's secrets, by Jean-François Maire, Michelin-starred chef (Académie culinaire) for cordon bleu apprentices, the curious, epicureans and gourmets between 12pm and 2pm
  • Gourmet walks to discover edible wild plants (duration 45 minutes, surprise tasting at the end of the walk), departure from the medicinal garden, at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m.
  • Principles, recipes and tasting of lacto-fermented vegetables by Eve Coltat (Les Aliments Vivants), between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • Family gourmet walk to discover edible wild plants, followed by a herbal cooking workshop (duration approx. 1h30), departure from the medicinal garden, from 14h to 15h30 and 16h to 17h30
  • Baking and sale of bread in a wood-fired oven by Bérangère Vallat in Lizine, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Musical entertainment

- C'est pour mieux te manger...", musical reading by Alexandre Picard and Jean-Michel Trimaille
Improbable recipes, delicious songs and an anthology of tales of earthly foods to celebrate the earth that nourishes us! At 11am, 12pm AND 3pm and 4pm (duration approx. 25 minutes, 2 different shows to be enjoyed as aperitifs or digestifs), in the orchard (closed to the public in case of rain).

Discovering gardens, tips and tricks from gardeners

  • Légumes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (Vegetables of yesterday and today), a visit followed by a demonstration of the oya, an ingenious and easy-to-make irrigation system, at the Recouvrance farm, between 10:30 and 12:30.
  • Tips and tricks for a natural, drought-resistant garden, at the Lizine gourmet garden between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. and at the Recouvrance vegetable garden between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Discovery of the medicinal garden, by Jean-Michel Morel, general practitioner and lecturer at Besançon University, in the jardin des simples, between 3 and 5 p.m.
  • The benefits of aromatic plants in the gourmet garden, by Pauline Toitot, dietician, at Lizine's garden, between 3 and 5 p.m.

Eco-creative workshops for families

  • Games and plant toys in the tree house village, between 2pm and 5.30pm

Associations stand

Maison de l'Environnement de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Conservatoire botanique national de Franche-Comté

ESCAPE GAME ENIGMA BOTANICA: 60 minutes to find the plant that will save you, by the Conservatoire botanique national de Franche-Comté.
Groups of 3 to 6 players maximum, aged 12 and over.
Session length: 1 hour. Please arrive 10 min before the session.
Time slots: 10am, 11:45am, 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 5pm.
Registration required at the museum by phone 03 81 55 29 77 or 03 81 55 20 17 or by e-mail

Gourmet garden

2022 rates

Adult: €9.50
Reduced rate (student, unemployed, disabled): €6.00
Children aged 6 to 16: €6.00
Children under 6: free
Family: €28.00
