Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.


8 Oct.

Manufacture of lacto-fermented vegetables

9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Food fermentation is an age-old preservation method.

The right conditions for successful vegetable fermentation are salt, water, the right temperature and time. This recipe is within everyone's reach.

Fermented vegetables allow us to rediscover forgotten flavors that enhance our diet and awaken creativity in the kitchen. During this workshop, you'll discover the theoretical and historical basis of the principles of fermentation, then experiment with a sauerkraut recipe. Everyone will go home with their own preparation; if you have the perfect seal jar, please bring it along.

Number of participants: 3 minimum / 8 maximum
Information and booking on 03 81 55 20 17 or via the booking form (please specify the course title).
Course fee: €45 (payable to the service provider) + reduced museum entrance fee of €6.
