The Journées nationales de l'architecture, organized by the French Ministry of Culture from October 13 to 15, 2023, are intended to bring together initiatives that contribute to the discovery of architecture and its professions by the general public. They aim to reveal the presence of architecture in all regions, from major projects to everyday buildings.
Screening of the documentary "Quand l'écologie sort du bois" (When ecology comes out of the woodwork) at 3pm.
At a time when environmental issues challenge us and often leave us bewildered, some men and women have decided to rehabilitate wood as a material of the future. Through their day-to-day commitment, they are redefining the very notion of living in rural and urban areas, and promoting other ways of working, eating and getting around. We'll see how, by valorizing local know-how, using local materials, rejecting technocratic hegemony, drawing on collective intelligence and cooperative practices, they are succeeding in revitalizing the local economy and sketching out genuine alternatives that meet today's environmental challenges.
Julien King-Georges and Allan Wisniewski
Marjane productions
The conference will be followed by a discussion/debate with Julien King-Georges, one of the directors.